Monday, 16 July 2012

Wyrd goings on...

We at Golem have had an influx of Malifaux commissions from our clients recently. They are really cool models with loads of character... in short great fun to paint!

Below is a selection of some of our favorites!

Click images to enlarge:

 Cult of December
A cute yet menacing Wendigo
Dr. Douglas McMourning and a putrid Zombie Chihuahua
Lady Justice and her crew

Saturday, 14 July 2012

Daemon Day 2012!

We are pleased on announce this years Daemon Day!

Daemon Day is an annual painting tutorial event, where we invite people to come and learn anything they want from some of the best painters around. We have previously had people painting their very first model, all the way through to those preparing Golden Daemon entries.

This year the Daemon Day will be on September 1st at Maelstrom Games Eye of the Storm, and will cost £85. See poster or for more details and to purchase tickets